Your Clinic Experience

 For more information: 641-472-1275

The Daily Treatment Program

The standard treatment program involves three treatments each day for at least 5 days (Note: 3 day treatments are wait listed and filled in at about 3 weeks notice). Seven days is considered an ideal length for most individuals but longer and shorter treatments programs are also available.

Each day guests will normally experience three treatments over a 2 1/2 hour period.

  1. Treatments usually begin with a 55-minute Ayurvedic herbalized oil massage (abhyanga) administered by two highly trained technicians.
  2. The second treatment is usually a heat treatment (swedena) or herbalized oil application (shirodhara).
  3. The last treatment of the day is a mild herbal enema (basti) to help remove the toxins in the body that were mobilized by the massage, heat and oil treatments.

All technicians are highly trained, Certified Maharishi Panchakarma technicians. Treatments are offered in gender specific wings where men treat men and women treat women.

The cost of the three treatment Panchakarma program is $395 per day.

The Panchakarma Consultation Package – Individualizing your Treatment

Your treatment program has three sections to it personalized for you by the residing Vaidya (Ayurvedic physician trained in India) under the supervision of MIU-IHC physician Jim Davis, DO. The three sets of recommendations include:

1. Your Home Cleansing Program
The Vaidya will recommend a several day course of diet, lifestyle, herbs and mild internal cleansing to start about 20 days before treatment begins. This program is written based on Health History Information you submit via secure online forms.

This home preparation is essential preparation for Panchakarma treatments. The massage and heat treatments and oil applications received during Panchakarma loosen and mobilize impurities into your bloodstream so they may be eliminated.

To help the body eliminate the mobilized impurities Ayurveda recommends this home cleansing to:

  1. start opening and softening the channels of circulation and elimination, and
  2. stop the creation of excess heaviness and blockage to circulation caused by poor digestion and improper diet.

2. Your individualized Treatment Program
The Vaidya will meet with you in-person before your treatment starts to take your pulse and write your Maharishi Panchakarma program.

3. Your Going Home Program
The Vaidya will meet with you on the last day of your treatment to provide a complete set of diet, lifestyle and herbal recommendations to follow upon going home. Ayurveda holds that the cleansing of Panchakarma prepares the body to get maximum effect from herbal recommendations.

The fee for the three sets of recommendations and 2 visits with our Vaidya is $195.

Room and Board Options

Our clinic is out-patient with many lodging and dining options nearby. See lodging and dining details at

We highly recommend:

1. Lodging:
The Peace Palace is directly adjacent to MAIHC and the MIU Dining Center. Rooms are spacious, private rooms with queen-sized beds and ample attached baths. Peace Palace charges are:

  • $89 a day
  • $450 a week

For Peace Palace reservations please call 641-472-1174 or 641-919-1300.

2. Dining
The MIU Dining Center, immediately across the street from the Peace Palace and MIU-IHC, serves organic breakfast, lunch and dinner including suitable dishes for individuals going through treatment.


If you are coming from out of town the nearest airport is the Eastern Iowa Airport. For more details see:

Cancellation and Refund Policies

Full details on our cancellation and refund policies may be found here.

More Information Available

Please feel welcome to call or email us if you have any further questions: 641-472-1275.

Maharishi AyurVeda Association of America, a non-profit educational organization.

The Transcendental Meditation® technique, Maharishi AyurVeda®, and any course, service, or product on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition or changes in lifestyle, exercise, or diet.

Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, Maharishi AyurVeda®, Maharishi University of Management®, Maharishi, Maharishi Panchakarma, Maharishi Rasayanas, Integrative AyurVeda, Maharishi Integrative AyurVeda, Maharishi Vedic Science, and Consciousness-Based are protected trademarks and are used in the United States under license or with permission.

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