Pandemic AgreementPlease read and complete the agreement below. Once submitted, you will be rerouted to an appointment request page. If you have already been in touch with our schedulers, you may disregard that step. Otherwise, please proceed to the request page and submit the form and one of our schedulers will contact you. Vaccination Vaccinated and unvaccinated clients are accepted for treatment at this time. Vaccinated and unvaccinated techs may be working on you Symptoms The current symptoms of COVID include runny nose, sneezing, headache, sore throat, cough, fever, fatigue and muscle aches. Clients or technicians with COVID symptoms will not participate in treatment. Testing No testing required unless symptoms present Refunds Clients must stop treatment immediately if they test positive or develop symptoms. Clients will receive a 50% refund on treatments missed due to testing positive or having symptoms of COVID.