Navin and Pratima Doshi Center for Integrative Health
a collaboration of the Department of Physiology and Health of Maharishi International University

Support the Doshi Center

Advancing the Doshi Center’s mission of providing public education, clinical training for university students, and research on integrative medicine depends greatly on the support of our donors.

There are many ways that donors can be recognized for their contributions to the work of the Navin and Pratima Doshi Center for Integrative Health at MIU’s Los Angeles campus. In the examples that follow, we would represent the donor’s name where XXX, YYY, etc. is written.

An endowed grant provides support, and recognition to the donor, for eternity. A termed grant provides the support and recognition over a finite term, such as 3 years or 5 years or 10 years.

Professorships—Endowed or Termed

The Doshi Center needs clinical faculty who are trained in Ayurveda and/or in modern medicine. The following professorships add a supplement to the base salary of the faculty member, which MIU uses to attract the best and brightest in their field.

  • The XXX Clinical Professor of Maharishi Ayurveda ($500K endowment; $25K per year of a term)
  • The YYY Clinical Professor of Integrative Medicine ($800K endowment; $40K per year of a term)
  • The ZZZ Visiting Clinical Professor of Maharishi Ayurveda ($200K endowment; $10K per year of a term). MIU would use this professorship to bring 2-4 different vaidyas for short stays, of 2-4 weeks at a time, covering the cost of their transportation, food, housing, and salary.

Research Projects—Termed

The Department of Physiology and Health offers an accredited Ph.D. degree in Physiology and Integrative Health. The faculty of this doctoral program want to establish some research projects at the Doshi Center. These projects will use the clinical practice at the Center as a basis for research on Maharishi Ayurveda and integrative medicine.

  • The AAA Laboratory for the Study of _________ [topic depending on the donor’s interest). This termed grant would have a reasonably long but finite life, such as 3-5 years. It would fund a researcher’s expenses, including staff, and depending on the level of funding, part or all of the main researcher’s salary. Each grant of $100,000 would support an annual expenditure of $23,000 per year over 5 years on the research project.

Student Scholarships— Endowed or Termed Traineeships

Maharishi International University’s students would benefit greatly from scholarship support. In particular, we will have some students who want to become Maharishi Ayurveda Practitioners in the health freedom states such as California. They need more than the typical amount of clinical training that other students take in our MS program, students who only need to supplement their careers, e.g. as yoga teachers or nutritionists, with some Ayurvedic knowledge. For the Ayurvedic Practitioner, three months of additional training would be a very useful experience. Using funds from an endowed traineeship, the Center could support “trainees,” who would typically be recent graduates from MIU’s MS program in Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. At the Doshi Center, they would assist the physicians who provide integrative medicine consultations. The traineeship would pay for the trainee’s housing and food and a small stipend for living expenses during the three-month traineeship.

To recognize the donor, we would give the student a named traineeship:

  • The AAA Clinical Trainee in Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine ($200K endowment, or $10K per year of a term)

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