Navin and Pratima Doshi Center for Integrative Health
a collaboration of the Department of Physiology and Health of Maharishi International University

Private Consultations

The Doshi Center offers private Maharishi Ayurvedic health consultations with our leading Vaidya, Vaidya Manohar Palakurthi, BAMS, PhD Monday through Saturday by appointment.

In an integrative ayurvedic consultation, the client meets with an Ayurvedic physician (vaidya) for one hour to discuss their health concerns and desire for complementary care. The consultation includes pulse diagnosis, and several ayurvedic health questionnaires to streamline an individualized and personalized health plan.

Ayurvedic recommendations may include:

  • Ayurvedic determination of mind-body type and imbalance
  • Diet and lifestyle matched to Ayurvedic mind-body type and imbalance
  • Maharishi AyurVeda Herbal preparations recommendations
  • Spice recommendations for meals and for “spice waters”
  • Home cleansing programs when appropriate
  • Aroma therapy recommendations
  • Herbalized oil recommendation for “abhyanga”- ayurvedic self-massage


The Doshi Center charges $275 for a new client private consultation and $195 for any follow-up appointments thereafter. We accept debit or credit payments.

Location and Parking

The private consultations are held at the Gardens. The building number is 2001 S Barrington ave, Suite 105, LA, CA. 90025. Parking is next door in the lot, there is a $12.00 parking fee with credit, but if you pay cash, you can receive change based on hourly rates. We do not validate. There is meter parking and street parking is limited. Please read the signs..

Book your Consultation

To schedule a consultation, please call 323-333-1448 or email [email protected]

Private consultation appointment times and follow ups are 9:00am to 4:00pm, and Saturday 1-5:00pm

Maharishi AyurVeda Association of America, a non-profit educational organization.

The Transcendental Meditation® technique, Maharishi AyurVeda®, and any course, service, or product on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition or changes in lifestyle, exercise, or diet.

Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, Maharishi AyurVeda®, Maharishi University of Management®, Maharishi, Maharishi Panchakarma, Maharishi Rasayanas, Integrative AyurVeda, Maharishi Integrative AyurVeda, Maharishi Vedic Science, and Consciousness-Based are protected trademarks and are used in the United States under license or with permission.

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